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Price for cigarettes in Cuba

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Price for cigarettes in Cuba

Going to Cuba tourists often think about famous cigars. Cigarettes are not so popular here that is why there are not so many cigarettes in stock. You can find some of them but they cost more than 6 dollars.

Many people try to get cigars during the first day in Cuba because Cuban cigars are considered the best in the world. Many people buy cigars as a souvenir but some of them buy cigars to smoke themselves or to treat to their friends and relatives.

Those tourists who have already been to Cuba can tell you that it’s not worth buying cigars everywhere. Don’t try to save money buying a cigar. Prices can be different from those that you see in your country. High-quality cigars cost much. If a tourist wants to buy many cigars, it is better to buy a pack of them. A pack of cigars consists of 25 cigars. It is much cheaper to buy a pack than to buy cigars separately.

Don’t buy cigars in the first place you see. You’ll find a lot of them. As a rule, some salesmen sell their goods at a low price. But these goods are not high-quality.

To sum up, all tobacco goods are expensive enough. Cigars are also expensive but the quality is really superior. As for cigarettes, they cost the same price as in other countries where the government fights smoking.

Brand Price ($) Price (peso) Price (local currency)
Marlboro 6 6
1 cigar COHIBA ROBUSTOS 13,6 13,6


Brand Price in
Price in
Cuban Peso
Price in
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Marlboro 6 6 4.62
COHIBA ROBUSTOS 13.6 13.6 10.47
popular confiltro 0.5 10 0.38
WHISTONG 4 0 3.08
Cohiba 0.7 0 0.54
Lm 3 3 2.31
CK 10.95 10.95 8.43
Merit 2 2 1.54
Marlboro 6 6 4.62
Marlon ET o kg kg 0 0 0
Merit k 0 0 0
marboropp 0 0 0
cohiba 0 0 0
cohiba 0 0 0
Marlboro 5 0 3.85
Pall mail 0 4 0
Yesmohe 0 0 0
Merit 2 2 1.54
Camel 4 0 3.08
CDDAUN 10 0.56 7.7
Marlboro 0 0 0
Holliwood 0 0 0
berkley 0 250 0
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Price in
Cuban Peso
Price for cigarettes in Cuba

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