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Price for cigarettes in Estonia

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Price for cigarettes in Estonia

Estonia is a part of European Union and it is one of the countries where main social policy is a tobacco control movement as well as a fight against other bad habits. That is why the government brought in a law prohibitting smoking in restaurants, cafes and other places. Smoking is also prohibitted in public transport, medicine and educational centres. Fines have increased in price in several times. Now they are about 100 dollars.

As in Europe there are some restaurants with special places for smoking. But people try to not to visit them because they have got bad reputation. As a rule, places for smoking must be rented. And the price is high enough. Who wants to pay so much for a couple of cigarettes?

The majority of tourists who have already been to Estonia advise to buy cigarettes in advance. But a person over 18 can import only two packs of cigarettes free of duty.

Brand Price ($) Price (Euro) Price (local currency)
Kent 3,7 3
Parliament 4,3 3,5


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Kent 3.7 3 2.85
Parlament 4.3 3.5 3.31
l&m 0 8 0
chesterfield 0 2.85 0
Winston 3.7 3.3 2.85
silk cut 0 0 0
glamur 0 3.9 0
Rotmans 0 3.5 0
West 0 6 0
L&M 0 0 0
Jog 0 0 0
Parlament 0 10 0
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Price for cigarettes in Estonia

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